
SPAM emails general warning

From time to time we are made aware of spam emails going to customers with email accounts, some examples include telling you that you have reached your limit of 25GB of storage and asking you to click on links in the email, or that you need to reset your password, your mail is compromised or your account needs to be updated amongst other things.

These messages are not from Sure, although they look genuine, these are spam messages.    

We never ask you for any personal details, or ask you to reset your password by an unsolicited email.

Please also be wary of opening links on unsolicited emails you receive. They may contain viruses or other programs that may harm your computer.  Look for a padlock symbol, check the address it's coming from, and the links they are aking you to click on i.e. (that is not us). 

If you receive a message that you are not sure of, please delete it and don't click on the link.

We recommend that you change your password after receiving a suspicious message, as well as changing your password every 6 months.  

If you happen to click a link on an email by accident and believe it could have linked you to a virus or other programme, please run a virus scan on your computer. If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us on 700700 

See Staying Safe Online for more help and advice. 

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