
Star Services and Voicemail

Star Services on a mobile phone are quick codes you can dial (starting with * or #) to access features like checking your balance, call forwarding, or voicemail and much more.

Mobile Voicemail

Calls will automatically go through to voicemail if:

  • You do not answer for a certain amount of rings

  • You are on another call

  • You have no signal

  • Your phone is switched off

To set up your voicemail, 

  1. Dial ‘171’ on your mobile phone and press call

  2. Your voicemail will be set up. Follow the instructions to change your PIN which will be set to 0000 as a default. You should change your pin to stop anyone else accessing your voicemail.

  3. You can record a welcome message and merge one or more mailboxes by following the instructions on the automated system


Cancelling your voicemail

To cancel your voicemail dial ##004#

To reactivate your voicemail - **004*171# 


For additional information and other ways in which star services can be used please see below our attached Guide. 


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