
Sure Support App - diagnose and solve broadband issues from your mobile.

Sure Support is our new app that runs network tests to help you and our agents to troubleshoot broadband network issues quickly and easily.

With the app you can avoid lengthy and frustrating calls, diagnose and sometimes solve the issue yourself, or let us take a look without having to try and relate the problem to us first, answering questions that you don't really understand.

Download it today and help us to resolve your problem quickly so you can get on with your day.  Search your app store for SURE SUPPORT.


Here are some screenshots so you can see what to expect and how this app will be able to help 100's of our customers to save time waiting for our help, when it might not even be needed.











 If you still can't resolve the issue we are still here and happy to help.   Just press START OVER and call us on the usual number.  The agent will ask you for your NETWORK KEY and log in to see your results.

This makes the whole process quicker and easier, no need to explain, we can see exactly what is going on.

From there the agent may ask to take a closer look using the camera or video function or ask you to complete a router check whilst on the call.



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