
TAS - Telephone Assistance Scheme

The Telephone Assistance Scheme provides eligible Income Support claimants with a discount (currently £8.00 per month) on their standard landline rental (Sure Home).

Normal call charges apply, but calls between local landlines that are not in peak times are free.

Peak times are 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday.

Based on our price as of 1st July 2020 this reduces the monthly line rental from £13.00 to £5.00.

To be entitled to TAS you must:

  • have been receiving Income Support for more than 6 months.
  • have a Sure landline registered in your name.

To apply please complete a TAS Scheme form, which is available to download at the bottom of this page.

If you do not have access to a printer you can collect a form from one of the locations listed below.  Once completed, please submit it to have it verified:

In Guernsey - Social Security, Edward T. Wheadon House, Le Truchot, St Peter Port (Tel: 732508)

In Alderney - the States Offices, Island Hall (Tel: 822811)

In Sark - the Procureur

Once it has been verified, please send the form to us or drop it off in our High Street shop.

Sure's Telephone Assistance Scheme

PO Box 3, Centenary House

La Vrangue, St Peter Port, GY1  2EY

If your application is successful you will receive a notification of a credit due for the remainder of the current billing period and then on your next bill you'll see the reduced rental charge.

*Please note that specific Terms & Conditions apply and these can be found on page 2 of the TAS Scheme form.



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