
NOTIFICATION - Retail Price Index (RPI) increases from 1st July 2020

Each year, as you may be aware, prices rise for all goods and services and we have previously provided you with advice that an annual increase in line with at least the RPI (Retail Price Index) would take place.

Sure Terms and Conditions set out that we will increase the charge for your price plan(s) every year. 

This is in section 9. paragraph 9.6 of the Sure (Guernsey) General Terms and Conditions. 


What is RPI?

RPI is a basket of goods and services which are checked annually to test what the average value of increase will be for all the goods and services contained within the virtual shopping basket. This year in Guernsey it Is 2.1%. This RPI is not set by Sure or any of its other associated companies but officially by the States of Guernsey. This check of price levels enables us to make sure our price rises are in line with other price rises experienced by consumers.


The price rise each year is to ensure that we are able to continue to support investment into our network as well as covering the increasing costs to provide the services that we offer.  

Why now?

We have held off providing details of this price rise as long as we were able to but unfortunately it is necessary to do this once a year and thus we are giving notice of the price rise now which will take effect on your island on 1st July 2020 and will appear on the next bill run after that.

What about the Covid 19 Situation?

We are like every other business who has been dramatically affected by the Covid 19 pandemic and although we have delayed the announcement of this price rise we have found it impossible to defer this notification any further.


When does it come into effect?

The price rises for Guernsey for all broadband and landline services come into effect on the 1st July 2020 and will appear on the next bill run after that.

How much more for me to pay?

This will very much depend upon the mix of products and services which you currently take from Sure and in the letter/email provided we have tried to make it easy for you to understand how this might affect you.

Broadband will increase in line with RPI in Guernsey which was published in April at 2.1% and Home Phone charges will increase from £12.59 to £13 which is marginally above RPI but still in line with the Price Control Framework which is applied. 

Customers who signed a new contract for mobile after 1st April 2020 are not subject to this increase.

Home Phone customers who are currently in contract will not see the increase until the August bill as we need to give you 60 days notice.  The July bill will increase but there will be a small credit applied to offset this.

I want to complain who do I escalate this up to?

You can certainly make a formal complaint and I would request that you send an email concerning your issues with the price rise to the following email. Currently we are experiencing large numbers of contacts from customers for a whole host of reasons including Covid 19 related questions, so it may take a week or so for your email to be responded to.

What can I do to save money?

If you have a Pay Monthly Mobile and Broadband plans on the same account you will receive a discount on the broadband plan of £2.00 for Basic Broadband and £5 for faster broadband plans.

To get the best value we recommend our Big Bundle.   To get access to the latest savings you will need to ensure that you have Pay Monthly Mobile, Home Phone and Standard or Faster Broadband on the same account and that all of your services are re-signed and in contract.  For customers who re-sign their services after the 1st July, the Big Bundle discount is a fruther £5.08 discount on top of the £5.00 per month discount for Standard or faster broadband and mobile being being on the same acount. 

Total monthly saving is £10.08.

 My Sure

We recommend you register for My Sure so you can view your bills, see your contract end dates and manage your account details online, click here to go straight to the registration/log in page


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