
Notice of Sure Home and Mobile bundles amemendments from 1st October 2018

Date of publication - 10th September 2018

Sure is pleased to announce a discount increase for existing customers who have taken out a Sure Home and Mobile Bundle following the recent announcement of our fixed line price changes as well as lowering the entry level bundle price for new or re-signing customers.

Please see below for more details:GSY_-_Bundle_amendments_Oct_18_-_existing_customers__table.PNG

Existing Sure Customers

Existing Sure customers who currently receive a discount of £11.99 will see their discount increase to £12.59 to compensate for the 60p increase on landline rental.  This will enable Sure to continue to provide the existing bundle entry price of £49 as per below example:

New Sure Customers

Sure is also lowering the entry level plan for any new or re-signing customers who qualify for the bundle discount.  The bundle will now be available from our £10 mobile plan and above. Previously our entry level mobile plan was £15 per month.

The entry level bundle price will be unchanged from £49 resulting in the discount for new and re-signing customers being £7.59.




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