Notice published 10th December 2015
Sure has extended the Broadband promotion originally running until the end of December 2015 until the end of February 2016.
The offer remains unchanged whereby:
- Sure Superfast service: £27.99 per month reduced from the standard price of £32.99
- Sure Unlimited Pro service: £42.99 per month reduced from the standard price of £47.99
- Sure Superfast Pro service: £59.99 per month reduced from the standard price of £67.00
Availability of Superfast VDSL is dependent upon the length of the telephone line from the relevant exchange. Use our speed checker to find out if it’s available in your area now.
The offer shall include (if required for new & upgrading customers) free installation and a free ADSL / VDSL router.
The offer is available to new or existing customers who resign their contract. The offer shall have a minimum contractual term of 24 months. The offer is subject to the customer also signing up to / resigning a 24 month Home phone line contract with Sure.