
Wi-Fi Troubleshooting

What is Wi-Fi?

Broadband is the high-speed internet connection delivered to your home from us through technologies like fiber or DSL (Copper). Wi-Fi, on the other hand, is the wireless signal your router uses to connect your devices to that broadband connection, letting you browse the internet without cables. Think of broadband as the internet coming into your home and Wi-Fi as the wireless way you access it on your devices. They work together to keep you online.

What can interfere with Wi-Fi?

Wi-Fi signals can be interfered with by physical obstacles like walls, floors, or furniture, especially if they are made of thick materials like concrete, brick, or metal. Electronic devices such as microwaves, cordless phones, and baby monitors can also disrupt Wi-Fi because they use similar frequencies. Nearby Wi-Fi networks or overcrowded Wi-Fi channels in apartment buildings can create signal congestion, which can reduce performance. Even household items like aquariums or large mirrors can weaken Wi-Fi by reflecting or by absorbing the signal. 

What can I do to improve my Wi-Fi speeds and range?

Wi-Fi There are various ways in which you can improve your Wi-Fi:
Free your router
Make sure your router is located away from any objects that may cause interference such as Bluetooth speakers, baby monitors, fish tanks, metal-backed mirrors, fridges, microwaves and game consoles. Its also worth checking on the age of your router. 

Don't be a Wi-Fi waster

Connect heavily used non-portable devices directly into the router with an ethernet cable e.g. Smart Tv, game consoles,desktops computers, for example. 
Disconnect any old devices from the Wi-Fi such as old tablets, phones,laptops, smart devices. 


Check for any software updates.Clear your device's cookies and cache. Try turning your router off and waiting 30 seconds before turning it back on. 

Refresh with Mesh
Enhance your signal reach with a Mesh Wi-Fi system. Place Mesh nodes (they can look a bit like small speakers) around your home and they will work together to distribute your Wi-Fi signal even further. 
If you are still experiencing issues with your Wi-Fi, don't worry Sure is here to help. Please call our customer support team on 01481 700700 where one of our representatives will be ready to help. Or you can arrange an appointment with our Home Tech Team 
Click here for the Home Tech Team


Why does my Wi-Fi only work in certain areas of my house?

Wi-Fi might only work in certain areas of your home because the signal from your router can weaken as it travels through walls, floors and furniture. The farther away you are from the router, or if there are thick walls or metal objects in the way, the signal may not reach as well.

Additionally, interference from other electronic devices or Wi-Fi networks nearby can also affect the signal. To improve coverage, you might consider moving your router to a central location, using a Wi-Fi extender or upgrading to a mesh Wi-Fi system. 

What are boosters? What do they do? When do I need them?

Wi-Fi boosters, extenders, and mesh systems all help improve your home's Wi-Fi coverage, but they work a bit differently. Wi-Fi extenders or boosters amplify or repeat the signal from your router, helping it to reach areas where the signal is weak, though they may slightly reduce speed.

A mesh Wi-Fi system, on the other hand, uses multiple devices (nodes) placed around your home to create a single, seamless network that ensures strong coverage everywhere without compromising speed. Mesh is often the best choice for larger homes or those with many walls and obstacles. 
If you are not sure which to go for, contact our Home Tech Team who can come around to advise which is the best for you and install them for you. 
Click here for the Home Tech Team

Can someone come around to help me with my Wi-fi signal?

Wi-Fi specialists from our Home Tech Team can come around to your property to run various network scans and advise how best to optimize your Wi-Fi signal.

The Home Tech team will map out your Wi-Fi performance and using specialist equipment, they will find what is exactly blocking or limiting your signal around your home, providing you with a personalized Wi-Fi health check report containing a summary of what they found and how they have fixed it, and will contact you following up to 7 -10 working days to make sure you're happy with your service. 

Click here for the Home Tech Team

How do I configure my router?

Having a Sure router gives you the added benefit of allowing our agents to remotely configure your router. Please call our customer support team on 01481700700 where we can configure your router in just 5- 10 minutes. 

If you have any other router please call us on 01481 700700 or raise a ticket Here 
Where a customer support representative will be able to provide your credentials. 

I want to change my network name.

It's nice to have your Wi-Fi network name reflect you and your home. This is why with a Sure router we can remotely change the name for you. All you will need to do is call us on 01481 700700 where a customer service representative can update your name for you. 

If you have a different router other than a router supplied by Sure, we can't change it remotely, however, if you are having issues changing the network name, please contact our Home Tech Team where a member of the team will come around and change this for you. 

Click here for the Home Tech Team

I want to change my Wi-Fi password.  

Having a long-complicated password can sometimes be hard to remember, but not to worry, the password can be changed and personalized to something secure and memorable. 

If you have a Sure Router, we can remotely do this for you. All you need to do is call us on 01481 700700 where a customer service representative can do this in a matter of minutes.

If you have a different router other than a router supplied by Sure, we can give your broadband username and password credentials, however, we wouldn't be able to provide remote support on the router. If you are having issues configuring the router, please contact our HomeTech Team where a member of the team will come round and configure the router for you. 
Click here for the Home Tech Team

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